ایمیل email urmiaanimallab@gmail.com
شماره تماس phone 044-32754928 044-32754928


Strain Name : DBA/2JRj
Type : SPF:Inbred mouse
Colour and related genotype : Dilute brown mouse
Breeding :Difficult to rear (poor lactation)
DBA/2J are not very sensitive to the development of atherosclerotic lesions. It shows hearing loss of high frequencies starting at weaning (3-4 weeks).This hearing loss become sever by 2-3 months of age. Young DBA/2J inbred mice are susceptible to the audiogenic seizures. This strain also presents high rates of calcareous pericarditis, calcified lesions of the testicles, tongue and muscles.DBA/2 mice develop progressive eye disease similar to human hereditary glaucoma.

Main Application And Research Fields

  • Behaviour
  • Immunology
  • Oncology
  • Pharmacology
  • Toxicology
Reproductive data
Bigamous mating
Litter size at birth 4.84
Weaning % 82
Productivity index 0.46
Sterility % 3.5
Gestation time Between 18 and 20 days