ایمیل email urmiaanimallab@gmail.com
شماره تماس phone 044-32754928 044-32754928


Strain Name : CBA/JRj
Type : SPF:Inbred mouse
Colour and related genotype : Agouti mouse
Breeding : Difficult to rear (poor lactation)
The CBA is known for its use in numerous research fields such as audition, immunology, gerontology, oncology or pharmacology. It has s few bristle on foot pads. This strain is used to study experimental granulomatous thyroiditis. Renal tubulointerstitial damage is frequently observed. Also, pancreatic exocrine inefficiency syndrome is seen spontaneously.When fed lipids at a high level, CBA tend to have a low propensity to atheroma.

Main Application And Research Fields

  • Audition
  • General studies
  • Gerontology
  • Immunology, inflammation and autoimmune disease
  • Oncology
  • Pharmacology
Reproductive data
Bigamous mating
Litter size at birth 5.21
Weaning % 84
Productivity index 0.58
Sterility % 3
Gestation time Between 18 and 20 days